Read this article about the possibility of war over the US corporation Monsanto.
The article that you just read is about the possibility of Russia declaring war on the US over the Monsanto corporation.
War over Monsanto is something that has been in the back of my mind for a while now.
I've seen a couple of articles about it, but nothing quite like the one I suggested you read. Something just clicked in me this morning. Millions of people around the world protested against Monsanto this past May, thereby showing how the world is not taking Monsanto's thread to our food supply lightly. Many millions more are set to protest at this next one in October. Hundreds of thousands of farmers are committing suicide in India over bT cotton. People all over the world are dying or are becoming sterile due to the toxic chemicals that the US has introduced into the food supply. I do not hold Monsanto responsible for these catastrophes. I hold the US government in contempt for turning their backs on the common people of this nation. It's obvious that the US government's allies are corporations that put the needs of elitists above the needs of the common man. The US government has had a revolving door with Monsanto. It is policies like these that the world is noticing.
I do feel like all animals and insects are in danger due to these pesticides and neonicotinoids (Neos), but I am especially concerned over the birds and the bees.
Just a few weeks ago thousands of bees were found dead in Oregon. Last week the beekeeping industry brought a lawsuit against the EPA. Without bees our food supply will dwindle. I'm concerned that Neos can alter the gender of amphibians and what that could mean after more long term studies of GE foods are completed. I'm also concerned about what potential affects these biochemicals are doing to our environment. I've been thinking about this since I viewed this video (see our collection of videos) about how the biochemicals are affecting the environment in Kauai. As you may or may not know, all the Hawaiian islands are the Ground Zero of Biotech chemicals. The coral reefs are starting to become diseased and are dying. Another good film to watch is Prophets of Doom. It discusses the imminent fall of America. In the movie they discuss water and energy as being possible downfalls, but I thoroughly believe that wars over food and water will be America's downfall.
While lots of people will be incredulous, I believe that war is a real danger.
Russia has a lot of allies, the Middle East will find any excuse it can to fight us, and Europe is rationalizing the need to ban more and more biotech companies. These countries all have their fair share of nuclear bombs (<-- Click link to see what countries have bombs and how many they have) and they will not want to use bio warfare due to the very reason they will attack, but the US will not consider that a hinderance. In WWII the US used nerve gas, in Vietnam they used Agent Orange and in the Iraq war they used bio warfare. Because Monsanto will be backing the US, you know there will be something bigger and nastier that will be used for this war. That will mean the death of many more people around the world.
Don't get mad, GET ACTIVE!
*HOW YOU CAN HELP* in Austin
I invite you ALL to join us in the screening of "More Than Honey" that is showing on Aug. 18th. It will further enlighten us about how the extinction of bees will lead to a world wide food extinction. Tickets are $10 and it will be shown at Alamo Drafthouse Village that Sunday evening. MAMAustin plans on setting up a film festival to educate others about the importance and immediacy of the dangers of Monsanto and other biotech companies. The highlight of our film festival will be "The World According to Monsanto" movie viewing and forum with an expert panel. We also invite you to be involved and join us at our next activist meeting on Friday, July 18th at 6:30pm at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin (Click to view all events).
How you can help elsewhere
Research all you can on these topics. Watch documentaries (start with our YouTube channel where you'll find many playlists). Share all the Monsanto material you can get your hands on! Tell everyone you know about what you know.
I hope that MAMAustin can count on your support to help us fight the US government on this important issue.
In the meantime, remember to eat organic, local, grow your own and vote with your dollar!
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