
Welcome!! This blog features cannabis and neurological research, wellness journals and more. Please subscribe by email to keep up with my posts. Thank you for visiting! ~CC

Bio & Contact

CC Castaneda, aka Cristina Fender (2014)
CC Castaneda, aka Cristina C. Fender, is an activist and award winning mental health author focused on organic nutrition and cannabis as medication. 

She began writing about Bipolar Disorder in 2006 and wrote two award winning blogs called Raw Writing for the Real World of Bipolar and Bipolar Vida for HealthyPlace.com and a book entitled Reaching for Sanity. She withdrew from writing in 2010 and returned in 2013. She was misdiagnosed as a bipolar disorder patient and proclaims that her newfound clarity can be attributed to an organic diet free from chemicals and pharmaceuticals. 

She has much to say about western medicine and her medical diagnosis of 'Psychogenic Movement Disorder'. She suffers from uncontrollable movements in the body that also cause stiffness and extreme pain in the joints affected on a daily basis. Her mental capabilities are beginning to ebb due to cognitive dysfunction problems such as short term memory loss, difficulty with word recognition and problem solving. Her journey to wellness is documented so that other's may benefit from her story.

CC's activism work began in 2013 when she led March Against Monsanto in Austin, TX and has continued with her work as Patient Coordinator of Central Texas NORML Alliance. Living in Texas and trying to get the medicine she needs has proven to be difficult (illegal, but not impossible). There is much research that suggests that cannabis can slow down the progression of neurological disorders, not to mention give her the pain relief that she desperately needs.

She's passionate about food and advises all to eat an organic diet. CC continues her work as a mental health advocate by promoting mindfulness, meditation, an organic diet, and cannabis to heal the mind. The fact that the body is also made healthy due to cannabis just allows the synapses in the brain to function at an optimal level. Health is the key to an enlightenment of the entire being.

If you are new to this blog, then please feel free to take a look around. On the side bar you will find links to every post she's written on this blog. CC recommends that you start with these posts to acquaint yourself with her story:


Pharmaceutically Medicated (Left) and Cannabis Medicated (Right) 

Published Works:

A Pregnant Woman Lives Through PostPartum Psychosis


  • Just found your blog and wanted to congratulate you, thought it was a brilliant read. -Nikita
  • Love your new layout. Very professional. -Karen
  • I have enjoyed reading your blog since I found it a few months back; I find it heart-warming in places, heart-wrenching in others, but always painfully honest and engaging. I like the new style and layout you’ve adopted too. I think it emphasizes the fact it has taken on a far bigger role for yourself and others than you had initially anticipated.-Jemm
  • I interview alot of women from around the world who have amazing stories, projects and contributions. Your journey with bipolar touched me. -Sharon
  • I'm just now reading your blog which is inspirational. -Nadine


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