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Monday, September 15, 2014

Wellness Journal | Progression Notes

Pain Level: 
4 out of 10. (10 being the worst). This morning when I woke my pain level was 7.5. I smoked a couple of puffs, approx. .125 g, then took a tsp of canna-coconut oil, then took my morning dose at 8 am, so OF COURSE I'm felling better!!! Yay!!!

My arms hurt like a bitch. It's difficult to move them. And we had a little bit of a difficult time this morning finding a position to make love because my arms weren't comfortable.

Progression notes: 
I'm starting to feel like I'm improving. My tremors have improved drastically!!!!!! My wrist is pretty straight although it still has pain. My fingers still cramp. My shoulders are stiff. I'm having a difficult time turning my neck. Holding things or doing things with my right arm is painful. My feet are still moving on their own and doing that high heel position when I walk. My cognitive dysfunction is continuing with memory problems, forgetting words, and having difficulty spitting words out. These are still better than they were last week when I went to the hospital.

The only therapy I'm doing right now is that canna oil and I'm disappointed in myself. But rather than beat myself up, today I am going to do one thing on my wellness plan. I'm going to sit down and create a NEW one.

Happiness Level:
2 out of 10.
(10 being the worst.)

Stress Level: 
4 out of 10.
(10 being worst.)

Bedtime and Sleep issues from last night:
Got really tired after increasing my nighttime dose and went to bed at 10:30 pm.

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